1st Veterans Car and Bike Show
1st Veterans Car and Bike Show , 2 Live Bands, Kids Entertainment. Traders and Entrants at 8AM, public from 10AM. The aim of this event is to raise public awareness and monies for our military Veteran Community. Veterans have become a marginalized group by politics and the cost of repatriation and therefore are short changing our Veteran Community. In 2017 there were 89 Veterans that committed suicide and with the tireless volunteer work of APPVA Vic this number has dropped this year. APPVA Vic. provides veterans welfare and advocacy to ensure Veterans get their full entitlements and that the Vets and their families are looked after whilst going through the process. Monies raised by this event will help APPVA Vic. continue to bridge the shortfall thus aiding the Veterans. For stall info contact Kerry 0408 323 620 or [email protected]