8th Annual Fallen Heroes Ride
Join the pack and support us in paying tribute to the Fallen Heroes who were injured or gave the ultimate sacrifice protecting our country.
$25.00 Rego Fee includes:
Multiple Category Show ‘n Shine—Bikes and Cars
Miss Patriotic 2019 Competition
Tattoo Competition
Major Raffle Prizes
Pin Up Girls
Live Music and Entertainment—for adults and kids
Camping available!
9am - RV meet at McGraths Hill Maccas
10am - Stands Up and cruise to Grey Gums Cafe, Putty Road
5pm - After Party
First 150 people who register and pay will recieve a 'Sydney Veteras Lodge 2019' patch.
PM the 'Infidel Motorcycle Club - Sydney, Australia' Facebook page. HERE, to register, make payment and claim the patch!
Proudly supported by:
Infidels Motorcycle Club - Sydney Australia
All proceeds go to Sydney Veterans Lodge.