ARDC Supersprint
In a Supersprint, you are not up against all the other cars in a race – you are challenging yourself to be the quickest you can be in the type of vehicle you are driving.
Supersprints show great camaraderie and club spirit. Everyone seems to chat to each other and help out where needed. ARDC have a long and illustrious history of running these events, and Supersprints are undoubtedly the best way to get into motorsport on a reasonable affordable budget.
It starts with the CAMS licence needed only costing around the $120 for 12 months, and only a Medical Statement to attend to, not a full medical that can be very costly. You can even start doing this when you are 15yrs old!
Entry fees to events are around the $250/$270 mark, and apparel is not nearly as expensive as a full race suit, although you can certainly wear one if you want to. We do not even charge for garage and carport fees! THEY ARE FREE for our events!