Shannon’s South Coast Nostalgic Hot Rod & Custom Run
Presented by South Coast Cruisers Car Club. Pre 80's vehicles only, Enter on the day $10 per vehicle + a new toy at Riverbreeze Holiday Park Moruya. All proceeds donated to the Australian Cancer Research Foundation, All toys donated to the Canberra Hospital Foundation to be distributed to kids in reginal hospital’s throughout NSW & the ACT. Relaxing weekend away, heaps of activities in the park for all ages, Friday night meet & greet, Saturday mystery cruise for lunch, cruising in the park, & Live entertainment in the park Saturday night till late, show & shine Sunday, entrant choice judging & heaps of prizes. Food & Drinks on site breakfast & diner. When calling the Riverbreeze park for the booking tell them your booking in for the run, the number is 02 44742370. It’s a fun lay back weekend supporting great causes. Sanctioned fundraising weekend for the Australian Cancer Research Foundation.