The Camaro and Firebird Nationals 2020
The Camaro and Firebird Nationals will celebrate its 25th Anniversary next year when it is held in the Snowy Mountains town of Tumut NSW over the 4 day Easter weekend in April.Open invitation for all Camaro and Firebird vehicles owners and fans to register online and attend the largest gathering of these vehicles in Australia. Lots of planned activities over the weekend starting Friday through to Monday morning before departure home. As the only car show in Australia catering specifically for the GM F-Body vehicles the Chevy Camaro and Pontiac Firebird it will be an awesome sight and sound as they rumble through the streets of Tumut and the winding roads through the Snowy Valley. Show n Shine is on Saturday morning and event presentation dinner (incl. in the $120 entry fee) will be on the Sunday night. Registration is $120 and includes a commemorative jacket, goody bag, dinner for driver (&+1 passenger if req’d). Professional photographer to take pictures of all cars for the event. We have registrations from all over Australia already so we hope to see as many cars there as possible, car club members or individuals are all welcomed. Register online or by mail Don’t forget to book your own accomodation in one of the many Motels, BnB or Van Parks quickly to avoid disappointment.