KBS Coatings Gold Standard Fuel Tank Sealer
Used properly, it will form a super-tough, fuel-impervious coating while simultaneously sealing small pinholes and weld seams. This highly surface tolerant sealer is capable of adhering to multiple surfaces that can be found inside your average fuel tank, including steel, zinc plate, aluminium, and even fibreglass, with proper preparation. Unlike Standard type fuel tank sealers, Gold Standard contains specially formulated pigments that will not degrade and break down under the constant presence of volatile fuels.
When used in conjunction with Aqua Klean and Rust Blast, Gold Standard forms the complete fuel tank restoration system. Gold Standard fuel tank sealer is available in two different motorcycle kit sizes as well as an Auto-sized fuel tank repair kit. Gold Standard is also available separately in 250mls 500mls, 1Litre, 4litres and 20litres. Gold Standard fuel tank sealer is the only Australian made Fuel tank sealer on the market, and represents a major breakthrough in Australian manufacturing technology.
For more info on Gold Standard, or any other products in the extensive KBS Coatings range, go to www.kbs-coatings.com.au
A free colour catalogue is available on request via email: [email protected] or phone 1800 80 90 36