Variety Vic Bash 2019
This record breaking number was an outstanding combined effort of 345 entrants and officials, across 94 Variety Bash Cars, 20 official vehicles and 20 rookie crews! Thanks to support from their families, friends, colleagues, sponsors and generous strangers, this colourful crew have smashed last year's total by more than $100,000!
The Variety Vic Bash truly is an event like no other. This year, we travelled from Melbourne to Geraldton, crossing the Nullarbor, venturing through three states and seeing some of Australia's most remote and beautiful locations. We were showered with kindness and support from locals along the way and this year we’re extremely proud to have issued over $50,000 in grants to Aussie kids.
In 2019 our Bash Grants saw Variety - the Children's Charity Victoria funding an assistance dog, speech and safety enabling devices, equipment for a blind gymnastics program, learning resources, upgrades to an outdoor learning area, educational and sports equipment and contributing to a dedicated reading area to support special and sensory needs students.
As described by its founder, Dick Smith, the Variety Bash is ‘a drive in the outback with a few mates’ and each year, it just gets bigger and better!
Our costume clad crew aren’t the only sight to see on the Variety Bash either. There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to our convoy! Variety Bash cars must be 30 years old and non-performance modified. A sentiment the Variety Bash has maintained since the beginning. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and neither does our crew, the majority of which follow a theme that ties their costume to their cars and brings joy to all the schools and towns we visit along the way.
It's not just the schools and kids who benefit either, the Variety Bash is a warm welcomed economic injection to our route stop towns too! With our crew of close to 350 including officials, we contribute substantially to local businesses through expenditure on accommodation, fuel, food and local tourism every year.
So far the Variety Vic Bash has covered 118,004 kms and raised in excess of $27 million for kids in need. Last year alone, Variety was able to directly impact the lives of 12,290 Victorian kids through over $1.6 million in grants.
Next year, the Variety Vic Bash turns 30! To mark the occasion, we’re taking the Bash where it’s never been before! Fancy a life changing adventure to Great Keppel Island in 2020? Find out how you can get involved at